Being the owner of the business, it is your accountability to protect your staff plus business in the best possible way. The good thing is that it is possible to get hold of security alarm systems at present that will help to get the job done for you. The Bosch 6000 alarm system will provide you with an expendable solution that you can customize to fit your business flawlessly. Let us find out more regarding the benefits of this particular alarm system in the paragraphs that follow.
1. Access control features
This security system will provide you with some comprehensive features such as Date / Time, Holidays, and Day of the Week Schedules that will enable you to manage your employee access effortlessly. It is possible to set up as many as 16 time zones each consisting of as many as 4 time periods. One can make use of these time zones for automatically arming or disarming the security system at some particular points in time such as locking the reception door automatically at 4 PM.
2. Integrated access control
At present, it is not imperative for access control to be reserved only for bigger expensive systems. The alarm system mentioned in this article will provide an effective and inexpensive solution for integrated access control for as many as 16 proximity readers or access doors which will be appropriate for any midsized commercial installation. It’ll be feasible for compatibility proximity readers to incorporate lock control built-in as well as entry/exit built-in for minimizing the cost and streamlining the installation process. Bosch will provide you with different types of access control user interfaces consisting of weatherproof external or internal proximity readers, biometric fingerprint readers, or keypads with inbuilt proximity readers.
3. Expandable to satisfy your business requirements
It is a fact that no two businesses are the same and the aforementioned Bosch 6000 alarm has the ability to adapt to virtually any requirement. It has the ability to provide simple and inexpensive solutions for any midsized business, and yet, it can handle 144 zones plus as many as 16 access doors when it is expanded fully for bigger applications.
This particular Solution will be able to serve the requirements of as many as 256 users. The programmable authority levels will allow you to feel which particular functions can be performed by every staff member such as simple operations like accessing restricted areas and turning the system on or off. There is a fact that customized security has never been so easy before.
4. Multiple arming options
It is possible to capture the versatility of the Bosch 6000 alarm system thanks to its ability to provide the appropriate arming option out there. It is possible for as many as 256 individual system users to make use of a unique PIN code, proximity card, wireless remote, or biometric fingerprint for arming and disarming. This flexibility will allow you to program the system to arm automatically at predefined times.
Bottom line
In this way, it is apparent that this astounding alarm system from Bosch will help to safeguard your company or house without any problem at all. It has already helped numerous customers over the years, and you should also be one of them.