Fever Patches
Caring for a sick baby can be difficult for parents. The younger the child, the more difficult it is to monitor her condition, feed her, and administers medication. Babies find it difficult to convey their emotions. They often cry or have trouble expressing their emotions. As a parent, one thing you can do is watch for signs of illness in your baby. Typical signs that your baby is sick include agitation, irritability, tenderness, exhaustion, and fever.
What should you do if your baby has a fever?
Although it is not a disease, fever is a sign of it. The body produces more antibodies when there is an infection. Fever occurs because the entire body becomes inflamed at the infected site. Your main priority when you have a sick baby is to reduce the fever. Also, you should provide your baby with the best level of comfort while her body fights infection.
You can use various techniques to lower your child’s body temperature, such as administering medications prescribed by the doctor, giving him a warm sponge bath, making sure he drinks plenty of fluids, and applying a fever patch, etc.
Of all these remedies, cooling patches are one of the best ways to reduce your child’s body temperature. In addition to these benefits, cooling patches are a great way to lower a fever, especially in children.
Signs that your baby has a fever
In addition to acting differently, your baby may be more restless than usual.
Other signs that the baby has a fever are:
- Sleep bad
- Eating bad
- Do not play
- play with less enthusiasm
- Seizures or seizures
How to take the temperature?
Taking the baby’s temperature is the best way to be sure. A child’s temperature can be taken in several places, such as the rectum, armpit, mouth, ear, and temples. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises only using digital thermometers in children. Since there is a possibility of mercury exposure and subsequent poisoning if a mercury thermometer breaks, it is not advisable to use them.
The most correct temperature readings are those of rectal thermometers. You should make sure that you use a clean thermometer. If you want to clean it, use water, soap and alcohol. To take a temperature, put your back on her belly or back, with your legs drawn up toward your chest, and then check the temperature.
The baby usually maintains a temperature of 36.4 °C. The baby has a fever if the temperature reaches 38°C or higher.
What are fever patches?
Cooling patches or fever patches can help relieve symptoms when your baby gets overheated or has a fever. These cooling patches adhere to the skin, making application to the forehead easy. The patches are ready to use; you do not need to activate them.
Look no further than MomMed fever patches if you want to buy baby fever patches. They offer cooling physical relief to protect the brain, with an impact that lasts up to 8 hours. Being a recipe suitable for babies, they can use it together with their medication. The fever patch uses a weak acid gel, which is less allergenic, skin-friendly, and has no scent or color.
Fever or chill patches are reasonably priced, simple and convenient. All you have to do to use one is place it on the baby’s forehead.
They are especially ideal for babies, as they:
- They have a high water content, which helps the body’s natural cooling process.
- The evaporation process does not have negative consequences for the human being, which causes a sensation of freshness.
- They quickly and effectively dissipate heat and are easily absorbed.
- They do not include aromatic or coloring agents and are gentle on the skin.
- They can offer soothing and cooling comfort for up to eight hours.